Real estate agent Noelle Imlauer (Laura Euler-Rolle) is found dead. She worked for the Salzburg property tycoon Francis Zeferer (Christopher Schärf). The previous evening, the two of them had met at the regulars' table in Café Bazar. This also led to a surprising encounter with Noelle's former best school friend Vanessa Pöttler (Judith Altenberger). The two have not seen each other since their A-levels five years ago. Their graduation party was overshadowed by the tragic death of Vanessa's father, which she had to witness. The construction manager died on a Zeferer building site. Vanessa never got over it because she doesn't believe it was an accident. Especially because she thinks she saw someone else on the scaffolding who pushed her father down. Vanessa then vowed to take revenge. The investigators delve deep into the Salzburg property industry. The former president of the provincial parliament (Susanne Czepl), who is now in prison, gives Salzburg CID investigators Irene Russmeyer (Fanny Krausz) and Hofrat Alfons Seywald (Erwin Steinhauer) as well as Chief Inspector Hubert Mur (Michael Fitz) a crucial clue. The investigators stumble upon a web of corruption.