Studio Battaglia is a legal dramedy that will let us observe romantic relationships from a particular peephole: the divorce lawyer's office. Here we have many lawyers and they are the best in Milan: starting with Anna Battaglia, who leaves the prestigious Studio Battaglia of her mother Marina – where her sister Nina also works – for a new position at Studio Zander. Here she will find Massimo, an old flirt from her university days, to whom she had preferred Alberto at the time, who later became her husband. And it's time to wonder if it was the right choice and if at some point in life it's better to have remorse or regrets. In addition to this triangle, the heart of the story are the Battaglia women: three divorcees and a future bride, their sister Viola.
Four women at different stages of life, each with their own dreams and anxieties, united by a deep love and an invincible irony that has always saved them, even when everything seemed to collapse. like when his father Giorgio had left twenty-five years earlier. Giorgio, who is now back. The story intertwines, with a contemporary language and aesthetics, a long horizontal case (the separation of the Parmegiani) with numerous episodes with unprecedented implications regarding the most current aspects of family law: civil unions, confidentiality agreements, protection of image, homoparental families, embryo freezing, use of social media, defamation, digital inheritance, in short, the whole universe in constant expansion of relations with new media.