Shooting starts for new six-part lawyer series VOGTLAND (AT)

Filming for a new six-part 1TP54 lawyer series with the working title VOGTLAND has just begun at the Göltzschtalbrücke bridge and the surrounding area (Vogtland).

Julia Hartmann will be seen in the lead role in this REAL FILM BERLIN production, which straddles the genres of legal and drama. Other roles include Kai Schumann, Birge Schade and Christoph Schechinger.


Lawyer Maria "Mai" Gardner (Julia Hartmann) moves from Berlin to Vogtland for a case. There are pretty villages, spruce forests and even skiing. The people are proud and stubborn, for better or for worse. In the local community, people like to sort things out amongst themselves. And so far, this has always worked out well. So no one needs a lawyer from Berlin, who just makes everything more complicated. Little by little, people turn to her for legal advice. New conflicts inevitably arise. Mai's arrival causes a structure to slip.


The series follows Mai's homecoming in Vogtland. She takes on cases, renovates a house and practises shooting. Mai is also looking for protection in Vogtland, for herself and her sixteen-year-old son Kaleb (Jashan Gupta), who doesn't understand why they should stay here of all places. Mai is on the run from her violent husband Bo (Kai Schumann). She knows that he will find her if he wants to, because nobody can disappear permanently. But Mai can buy herself time. She can gain distance, and she also needs this distance for herself. But Bo doesn't just reach for her, he also reaches for Kaleb. Mai's shotgun is on the kitchen table. Just in case....


The series VOGTLAND (AT) (6 x 45 min.) is directed by Sven Fehrensen (episodes 1-3) and Eva Wolf (episodes 4-6) from a screenplay by Marc Terjung and Hille Norden. The series is produced by REAL FILM Berlin GmbH and producer Jakob Krebs on behalf of ZDF. The editors are Tanja Bares and Alexander S. Tung.

© Anke Neubauer