Julia Maier-Hauff, Managing Director, Produzent*innenverband e.V.

Press release
Berlin, 13 February 2024

Julia-Maier-Hauff takes over the management of the association from Erwin M. Schmidt on 1 April 2024

The board of the Producers' Association e.V. has Julia Maier-Hauff, previously Head of European Affairs and Legal Counsel at SPIO (the umbrella organisation of the film industry), was unanimously appointed as the new Managing Director. She will take over management responsibility for the association from Erwin M. Schmidt on 1 April 2024.

Julia Maier Hauff says of her new role: "I am passionate about independent film and I am delighted to be able to contribute my experience in representing the interests of independent producers to the producers' association with a focus on national film policy. I will enthusiastically support the association's call for regulatory innovation for the film industry and a fundamentally rethought system of film funding and financing. The focus here is on strengthening arthouse films, the new FFG and the introduction of an investment obligation and incentive funding. In addition, it is important to further develop cooperation with public broadcasters, distributors and streamers in line with the times, to shape the framework conditions for artificial intelligence, talent film and sustainable film production and to secure geoblocking at European level together with partners in the audiovisual sector. I would like to thank my colleagues at the SPIO, the SPIO Executive Board and the FSK for their trusting and always constructive cooperation."

The Executive Board of the Producers' Association explains the handover of the management: "In her career Julia Maier-Hauff She has dealt extensively and successfully with the regulatory challenges facing the film industry at European and German level, making a significant contribution to shaping the relevant legal framework for the film industry. She is now taking over the management of the producers' association and will use her legal and film policy expertise to represent the interests of independent production companies. We are convinced that she will strengthen cooperation within the industry and contribute to innovative solutions for the challenges of our time.

At the same time, we bid farewell to our Managing Director Erwin M. Schmidtwhich is setting off for new shores! In its five years of activity, the association has successfully championed the interests of independent producers and achieved significant film policy milestones. He has also significantly shaped the image of the producers' association and established efficient internal structures. His passion and commitment to our profession have strengthened the association's reputation and contributed to positive developments within the entire film industry. Erwin M. Schmidt was a competent and inspiring managing director in his work. We would like to thank him on behalf of all our members for his commitment!  

We would also like to express our sincere thanks to our former speaker Thea Hermannwho has been a great support to the producers' association with her passionate commitment. We wish her every success in her new role at the German Film Academy!  

We are now looking forward to working with Julia Maier-Hauff We look forward to working with her to further shape the association and the future of our industry."  

On leaving the Management Board Erwin M. Schmidt"Change and new beginnings were firm constants of the film and association policy work that I was able to help shape at the Producers' Association - but they are also firmly part of my lived convictions. I look back on five exciting years in the service of a powerful, strong community of like-minded people and would like to sincerely thank the independent producers for their trust and the partners in institutions and associations for the good cooperation. We have achieved a lot together - there is still much more to do. I wish Julia Maier-Hauff a good start, bonne fortune and every success!" 

About Julia Maier-Hauff

Julia Maier-Hauff has been Head of European Affairs, Legal Counsel and in-house lawyer at the German umbrella organisation of the film industry (SPIO) since 2020. Prior to that, she represented the interests of private broadcasters at European level as Head of European Law and in-house lawyer at VAUNET - Association of Private Media. From 2011 to 2019, she represented VAUNET as Secretary General of the Association of European Radios, AER. In her career, she has dealt with the entire range of film and media policy issues: from the Audiovisual Media Services Directive to frequency policy, copyright and state aid law, national media law and platform regulation. She has a large network of national and European media and digital associations. Julia Maier-Hauff is married and has three children.


The Producers' Association (PV) is a creative, economic and innovative network. With currently 145 members and a newcomer section, it is the leading representative of independent cinema, streaming and television producers in Germany. The association pools and articulates the film and market policy interests of its members and acts as their mouthpiece and mediator vis-à-vis funders, broadcasters, politicians and national and international industry associations. As cinema, streaming and TV productions, the films of PV members cover the spectrum of arthouse, radical cinematic art and sophisticated mainstream.