Founded in 2003, the blue eyes Fiction an internationally recognised independent production house with a core competence in the production of hybrid films, i.e. real film productions with a high proportion of visual effects and animated characters. blue eyes specialises in European and international cinema co-productions and is the market leader in the EU in the genre of CG/VFX-heavy family entertainment with high production value. It also develops and realises blue eyes Since 2019, high-quality TV/streaming series productions for a youth/young adult and adult audience that are designed for international exploitation.

GenreFamily entertainment cinema films (life action and animation), arthouse cinema films, TV series
Selection of productionsHelp, I've shrunk my friends", "Four magical sisters", "Help, I've shrunk my parents", "Lilly the witch...saves Christmas", "Help, I've shrunk my teacher"

Founded in 2003, blue eyes Fiction is an internationally recognised independent production house with a core competence in the production of hybrid films - live-action productions with a high proportion of visual effects and animated characters. blue eyes specialises in European and international cinema co-productions and is the market leader in the EU in the genre of CG/VFX-heavy family entertainment with high production value. Since 2019, blue eyes has also been developing and realising high-quality TV/streaming series productions for a youth/young adult and adult audience, which are designed for international exploitation.

Company data

blue eyes Fiction GmbH & Co. KG
Haydnstrasse 10
80336 Munich
+49 (0) 89 - 32 49 07 500

Management: Corinna Mehner