Extract from current insolvency proceedings

New Sentimental Film Berlin GmbH

In the insolvency proceedings concerning the assets of Neue Sentimental Film Berlin GmbH, Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin, represented by the managing director Alexander Stigler Register Court: Charlottenburg Local Court Register No.: HRB 78636, the Charlottenburg Local Court decided on 27 February 2024: Determination of date: 1. the date on 13 March 2024, 09:30 a.m. is cancelled. 2. a new date for the creditors' meeting to pass a resolution on the approval of the creditor's proposal on the current nos. 17, 22, 29, 45, 46 and 50, that the insolvency administrator concludes a settlement before the Berlin Regional Court under case no. 95 O 67/13 to settle all claims against the managing director of the debtor - regardless of the legal basis and regardless of whether present or future, due or not due, unconditional or conditional, known or unknown; further details can be found in the case file - is set for Wednesday, 10 April 2024, 09:30 a.m., meeting room 218, 2nd floor, 14057 Berlin, Amtsgerichtsplatz 1, Charlottenburg Local Court

14P Filmproduktion GmbH, Martin Hoffmann (GF)

Insolvency proceedings discontinued due to lack of assets

Kaktus Film Film- und Videoproduktion GmbH

Insolvency proceedings against the debtor's assets will be opened on 22 February 2024 at 11.30 a.m. due to insolvency and over-indebtedness. Appointed as insolvency administrator: Lawyer Michael Verken Kirchplatz 9, 82362 Weilheim Telephone: +49(881)9010900 Fax: +49(881)90109060 The insolvency creditors are requested to file insolvency claims (Section 38 InsO) with the insolvency administrator in writing by 16 April 2024.

Represent Film GmbH, Mandy Kothe (GF)

Insolvency proceedings are being opened today, 1 January 2024, over the assets of Represent Film GmbH, Sternstraße 121, 20357 Hamburg, legally represented by the managing director Ms Mandy Kothe, entered in the commercial register of Hamburg Local Court under HRB 120718, due to insolvency and over-indebtedness.

Dr Susanne Riedemann, attorney-at-law, Neuer Wall 25, 20354 Hamburg, is appointed insolvency administrator.

Claims of the insolvency creditors must be registered with the insolvency administrator by 6 February 2024 in accordance with Section 174 InsO.

paradiesFilm Produktion GmbH, Maik Plewnia (GF)

The examination of subsequently filed ordinary insolvency claims (section 38 InsO) is carried out in written proceedings.
2nd examination date, which corresponds to the special examination date, is 26 February 2024.
The written objection by which a party disputes a claim must be received by the court by this date at the latest.
The objection must state whether the claim is disputed in terms of its grounds, its amount or its ranking.

zero one film GmbH, Thomas Kufus

Following the change of name and entry in the commercial register, the debtor is now known as Film 1 Abwicklungs GmbH. The proceedings are being continued at the Berlin Local Court under file number 36 f IN 3908/23.

TOF Pictures GmbH, Michael Tobinsky (GF)

Lawyer Martina Nießen, Nußbaumer Str. 19, 50823 Cologne, is appointed provisional insolvency administrator.
Dispositions by the debtor of its assets are only effective with the consent of the provisional insolvency administrator (section 21 (2) no. 2 2nd alternative InsO).
The debtors of the debtor (third-party debtors) are prohibited from making payments to the debtor. The provisional insolvency administrator is authorised to collect bank balances and other claims of the debtor and to accept incoming funds. The third-party debtors are requested to make payments only in compliance with this order (section 23 (1) sentence 3 InsO).