ZIEGLER FILMfounded in Berlin on 27 April 1973, is today one of the largest and most successful independent film and television production companies in Germany. With offices in Berlin, Cologne, Munich and Baden-Baden, Regina Ziegler and Tanja Ziegler have produced over 500 cinema and television films, documentaries and TV series. Exceptional cinema productions were the company's starting point and remain its trademark to this day. First and foremost ZIEGLER FILM The aim is to attract the interest and attention of specific target groups as well as the general public. Despite fiercer competition and ongoing concentration processes in the German and international film and television market, it is the family company's express aim to ZIEGLER FILMto remain independent, to grow and to inspire the audience with creativity and quality.

Genre: cinema films, TV feature films, documentaries
Selection of productions: "In einem Land, das es nicht mehr gibt", "Mordkommission Istanbul", "Theresa Wolff - Home Sweet Home", "Die Bilderkriegerin", "Ich war noch niemals in New York", "Der Sommer nach dem Abitur", "Stumme Schreie", "Familie Bundschuh", "Die Vergesslichkeit der Eichhörnchen", "Rückkehr nach Montauk", "Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben", "Gladbeck", "Weissensee", "Kommissarin Heller", "Lena Lorenz", "Der Amsterdam-Krimi", "Tatort"

ZIEGLER FILM, founded in Berlin on 27 April 1973, is today one of the largest and most successful independent film and television production companies in Germany. With offices in Berlin, Cologne, Munich and Baden-Baden, Regina Ziegler and Tanja Ziegler have produced over 500 cinema and television films, documentaries and TV series. Exceptional cinema productions were at the very beginning and are still the company's trademark today. First and foremost, ZIEGLER FILM aims to attract the interest and attention of specific target groups as well as the general public. Despite fiercer competition and ongoing concentration processes in the German and international film and television market, it is the express goal of the family-owned company ZIEGLER FILM to remain independent, to grow and to inspire viewers with creativity and quality.

Company data

Ziegler Film GmbH & Co. KG
Neue Kantstr. 14
14057 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 - 32 090 50

Legal form: GmbH
Management: Prof. Regina Ziegler, Tanja Ziegler