With Claude 3, Anthropic is attacking the pinnacle of AI solutions.

The Claude 3 range consists of the Sonnet and Haiku models alongside Opus. These vary in size and performance, with Haiku being the smallest and, according to Anthropic, the most efficient model, while Sonnet is in the mid-range. The maximum context window for inputs is 200,000 tokens for all three models.

The costs for entering and spending 1 million tokens vary depending on the model. They are USD 15 and USD 75 for Opus, USD 0.25 and USD 1.25 for Haiku and USD 3 and USD 15 for Sonnet.

Claude 3 marks a milestone as Anthropic's first multimodal model series that can process both text and images. This puts the company on a par with other providers and even surpasses them in some areas. For example, up to 20 images can be processed in a single prompt input.

(Photo: Instagram: @willson_m8)

Computer bubble (German)

How to access Claude 3 Opus