The European Audiovisual Observatory has just published a new report on writers and directors of European films and TV/SVoD fiction.

Key findings:

  • Between 2015 and 2021 more than 25,000 authors and more than 17,000 directors involved in the production of European cinema films and TV/SVoD fiction. 
  • The strong growth in the production of European TV/SVoD series since 2015 has logically led to them overtaking cinema films in terms of screenplay and directing commissions (for TV/SVoD series: 1 commission = 1 season, regardless of the number of episodes written or shot).
  • The boom in the production of TV/SVoD series has not led to less precarity, however, as the number of active screenwriters and directors in this segment has grown faster than the number of commissions; in other words, commissions for feature films are fairly stable and commissions for TV/SVoD series are more competitive as directors and screenwriters move from feature films to this segment.
  • High workloadWriters and directors of cinema films worked on an average of 1.4 films between 2015 and 2022. Writers of TV/SVoD fiction worked on an average of 1.7 TV films or series, while directors of TV/SVoD fiction worked on an average of 2.2 TV films or series.
  • From film to TV fictionA significant proportion of directors (59 %) of TV/SVoD fiction (2015-2022) have also written or directed a feature film.
  • The auteur film model remains predominant in European film: Almost half of the screenwriters active between 2015 and 2022 only wrote films that they also directed. For TV/SVoD fiction, however, the model looks very different: Here, most authors (91 %) wrote for projects that they did not direct. 

Press Release