For some time now, the Protection Association has been observing fake invoices sent by e-mail for undefined services from various providers, whereby the invoices are always structured in the same way.

Commercial [sic] intellectual property rights for registration" are billed, whereby the URL named is that of the recipient.
Payment is to be made to a Dutch bank account.
The payment amounts range between around €835 and €875.

The fake invoices follow the same unconventional layout, with the supposed sender listed at the top left and the invoice recipient at the top right.

The sender's postal address has been set up, i.e. the company named does not exist at the address given!

n 2022, such invoices have so far been received from the following new senders:
European Brand Protection Register, Wolsfeld;
European Office of Brand Protection, Wolsfeld;
E.O.B.P., Leipzig;
National name register, Leipzig;
Web Security Online, Leipzig;
IPR Europe, Leipzig.

The protection organisation points out that the addressee is under no obligation to pay!
The e-mails to which the invoices are attached should be labelled as spam!
Erroneous payments should be cancelled as quickly as possible via your own bank!

Source: DSW