Producers from Canada and Germany who are based in Berlin-Brandenburg have the opportunity to apply for the "Canada Germany Digital Media Incentive" funding programme, whose budget was recently increased again

The "Canada Germany Digital Media Incentive" funding programme is being run jointly by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (MBB) and the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and will be continued with an increased budget. Canadian and German producers based in Berlin-Brandenburg have until 18 June to apply for funding for the joint development and production of digital media projects. The total budget is 375,000 euros (550,000 C$) and will be shared equally between the two institutions, with the maximum funding amount per project limited to 270,000 euros (400,000 C$). Projects must be developed on digital platforms and can come from the fields of games, serialised formats, multi-platform projects or XR experiences. Projects will be evaluated based on various criteria, including innovation, creativity, focus on target groups, team composition and feasibility of funding and timeline.

Further information on the application and the evaluation criteria can be found on the website Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg available.