Weydemann Bros. produces films and series for the German and international market. She is guided by the vision of an equally political and entertaining film narrative. For Weydemann Bros. film is always a critical observation of the times and the world we live in. Her aim is to make many people laugh and cry with her films and to make them think. Weydemann Bros. develop projects together with authors and directors and build long-term creative partnerships.
Weydemann Bros. produces films and series for the German and international market. They are guided by the vision of an equally political and entertaining film narrative. For Weydemann Bros, film is always a critical observation of the times and the world we live in. Their aim is to make many people laugh and cry with their films and to make them think. Weydemann Bros. develop projects together with authors and directors and build long-term creative partnerships.
Company data
Weydemann Bros. GmbH
Körnerstrasse 45
50823 Cologne
+49 (0) 221 - 630 605 290
Legal form: GmbH