"It's two minutes to 12!"

At the Berlinale 14 months ago, Claudia Roth announced an incentive model to strengthen German film and series production. Ten weeks ago, at the same event, a discussion draft for this model, which had not yet been politically agreed, was presented. Since then, coordination within the traffic light coalition, especially with the Ministry of Finance and the federal states, has been very slow. Communication could be better. Nevertheless, the VTFF - Verband Technischer Betriebe für Film und Fernsehen e.V. (Association of Technical Organisations for Film and Television) has sent extensive unsolicited comments, advice and suggestions for improvement on the discussion draft to the BKM in order to drive the matter forward. It is feared that Germany is not internationally competitive, as more and more series and films are being produced abroad, even by ARD and ZDF. If the tax incentive does not become law before the parliamentary summer break, the production year 2025 could be lost for the German location, which would have dramatic consequences for jobs and investments in the German film and series industry.