Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg, rbb Media GmbH

Berlin (ots)


Anja Mellage (47), previously Head of the Directorate-General of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb), will take over as Managing Director of rbb media GmbH on 1 May. The position of sole managing director had been vacant since the end of last year.

rbb Director General Ulrike Demmer: "Anja Mellage took responsibility for significant organisational changes during the management crisis at rbb, initiated the necessary processes and managed their implementation. As a result, she has made a significant contribution to the stabilisation of the company and organisational development that has now been achieved. She brings her profound knowledge of our strategic orientation and the new structures of rbb to the management of rbb media. This can create synergies that will further promote the new start of the broadcaster."

Anja Mellage: "rbb media and its employees are indispensable for rbb. As part of the 2028 target vision process initiated by Ulrike Demmer, we are expanding rbb media's portfolio of tasks and opening up new business areas. Closer integration with the parent company will go hand in hand with even greater transparency and process reliability. I look forward to driving this forward with the entire team and Birgit Kuchenreuther, as Managing Director of Advertising and Sponsorship."

Ulrike Demmer: "Our special thanks go to Birgit Kuchenreuther. In addition to her role as Managing Director of Advertising and Sponsorship, she has managed the other business areas of rbb Media alone on an interim basis since the end of 2023. She has successfully paved the way for the further development of rbb media."

Short biography of Anja Mellage

After a period at KPMG, Anja Mellage accompanied the growth of at Axel Springer and subsequently supported the Group's centralisation projects with her commercial expertise. After a foray into the start-up scene, she moved to the management of IVZ (Information Processing Centre) and thus to the central IT service provider for ARD and Deutschlandradio. In November 2022, she took over as Head of the rbb Directorate General.

rbb media GmbH

rbb media GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of rbb and has successfully marketed advertising and sponsorship in rbb's radio programmes and on rbb television since it was founded. It is responsible for the exploitation of the broadcaster's audiovisual and digital content, merchandising, licences and cooperations. It is involved in the creation of programmes via production companies.

Press contact:

Press enquiries:
rbb company spokesman
Justus Demmer

Public enquiries:
Tel. (030 or 0331) 97 99 3 - 21 71