Federal government reaches agreement on the 2025 federal budget: this also includes an agreement on film location funding, which will benefit the entire German film industry and especially the technical and creative service providers in Germany.

On Friday, 5 July 2024 at 11 a.m., the coalition partners announced their overnight agreement on the 2025 federal budget.

Also included is a Agreement on film location fundingwhich will benefit the entire German film industry and especially the technical-creative service providers in Germany.

The decision:

The Federal Government will support Germany by introducing an effective, transparent and unbureaucratic INCENTIVE FUNDING more competitive as a film production location. The introduction of a subsidy jointly financed by the federal and state governments is intended to help producers of Films and high-end series and PRODUCTION SERVICE PROVIDER a grant in the amount of up to 30% of German manufacturing costs receive. The federal government wants to implement this together with the federal states.

Subject to approval by the cabinet, parliament and the state governments, the new regulation could come into force as early as 1 January 2025.