This overview provides information on the broadcasting slots for fictional television films and feature films currently being commissioned by ARD. Further information is available here

ARD programme profiles

Crime thriller on Sunday: "Tatort" and "Polizeiruf 110"
"In addition to the exciting crime stories and the professional dramaturgical and acting realisation, the two series are characterised above all by their depiction of federal diversity," is how ARD describes its two formats "Tatort" and "Polizeiruf 110". There is hardly any other fictional entertainment format on German television that reflects the regional characteristics of Germany as much as the two crime series.
In recent years, this profile has enabled both formats to successfully assert themselves in the diverse range of crime programmes offered by the various providers - and not only with the regular audience, but also with the younger target group. ARD's objective for the crime programmes is and remains market leadership in this slot. The average price per minute for the 90-minute episodes is EUR 21,500 gross.

FilmWednesday on the first channel
"FilmMittwoch im Ersten is the last non-formatted fictional programme slot on Ersten. The films are unique, characterised by the handwriting of their creators and with the aim of telling the complex world for a broad audience in a sophisticated and entertaining way. In addition, films are shown whose themes and style appeal to a more specialised, younger audience," is how ARD characterises this slot. "The variety of material, content, forms and genres characterise fiction on Wednesdays. High production value and high quality standards in casting, design, writing and directing combined with an advanced narrative style are the hallmarks of FilmMittwoch." The spectrum ranges from time-critical films to emotional melodramas, from comedies to political thrillers, from major dramas to intimate dramas, from pure fiction to docudramas.
FilmWednesday is characterised by a critical and diverse narrative culture, including multi-part films and mini-series: FilmWednesday films in particular have won numerous awards and have been shown at prestigious festivals, it continues.
According to ARD, FilmWednesday is also an important slot for event films and focal points - and is not only successful in linear but also increasingly in non-linear playout. The average price per minute for the 90-minute television film is 19,500 euros gross. Outstanding event productions are based on an individually negotiated price per minute, for which no generally applicable average value can be given.

ARD Debut
ARD is committed to promoting young talent and actively works on the development of innovative films with an unmistakable signature. With the "ARD Debüt" series, it contributes to promoting talent and nurturing up-and-coming filmmakers in Germany and, according to its own statements, fulfils an important task in the interests of the German film industry and film culture.
On the first Sunday of every month, a film from the "ARD Debüt" series is shown on the Spättermin, with different cinema participants from each of the state broadcasters. The slot is intended to give creative young directors, authors, film school graduates and up-and-coming filmmakers the opportunity to present their debut films to a wider audience. The focus is on films with experimental approaches and novel and unusual aesthetic structures. The "ARD Debut" is an increasingly attractive programme offer for the media library.

The Thursday thriller, 8.15 pm
Every week, "DonnerstagsKrimi im Ersten" takes viewers to a wide variety of locations inside and outside Germany and lets them take part in solving a wide range of crimes.
Characterised by the respective locations and cultures from which the investigators themselves come or which they slowly approach as outsiders, the individual series present themselves very individually: the respective stories lead from Brittany to Masuria, from Ireland via Denmark, Usedom, Görlitz and Passau to Lake Constance, Switzerland, Austria, Croatia and the Netherlands. In addition to trained crime specialists, "industry outsiders" also pick up the trail: Lawyers, psychologists, suspended civil servants, private detectives, veterinary surgeons and even undertakers bite into "their" cases in sometimes quite unconventional ways and do not give up until they get to the bottom of the perpetrators. These characters, played by well-known, award-winning actors as well as young talents, characterise the Thursday crime series, which, according to ARD, is becoming increasingly popular with audiences with high ratings and has established itself as a strong crime show alongside "Tatort".
The planned production volume of first broadcasts currently amounts to 29 films per year, the average price per minute per 90-minute production is EUR 21,300 gross.

Finally Friday on Ersten, 20:15
ARD shows entertaining series formats and one-offs under the "Endlich Freitag im Ersten" slot label. According to ARD, the films in this slot are intended to get viewers in the mood for the weekend on Friday evenings, offer true-to-life, entertaining and humorous entertainment and reflect our everyday lives with all their exciting, surprising and extraordinary moments: people whose lives cross paths in unexpected ways, events that change life and completely disrupt the usual routine, or moments that show how rich and beautiful life can be in all its variety and diversity. These are the themes for the "Endlich Freitag im Ersten" slot, which presents comedies as well as modern home or family films, romantic films or "RomComs". According to ARD, the programme focuses on a wide variety of everyday heroes, big and small, portrayed by established, award-winning actors as well as young, previously little-known outstanding talents.
The planned production volume of first broadcasts currently amounts to 29 films per year. The average gross price per minute for a 90-minute production is EUR 21,700.

Feature film on Saturday, 20:15
In addition to the established entertainment formats and major shows, ARD's Saturday evening programme is dominated by top-class thrillers and crime thrillers, thrilling family films and comedies with a prominent cast. Attractive one-offs, successful series and multi-part shows are given a slot in the main programme, as are established series formats. ARD's declared aim on Saturday evenings is to entertain the whole family, to provide suspense for discerning thriller fans and to make everyone laugh and dream together. Film adaptations of successful literary material, elaborate historical productions and socially significant topics guarantee fictional diversity at the highest level.
The planned production volume of first broadcasts currently amounts to around ten films per year. The average gross price per minute for a 90-minute production is 23,300 euros.

Films on public holidays, 20:15
Special films and series for special days: the public holiday slot at 8.15 pm on Ersten offers selected formats with a special event character. The single or multi-part programmes address socially relevant topics, reflect contemporary history, events and personalities whose impact is and was formative. Designated high-end series as well as television and cinema films offer a wide variety in terms of genre and tone. According to ARD, the programmes appeal to a broad age group and are of high viewing value. Creativity, high production value and an excellent cast in all trades in front of and behind the camera are the basis of these productions.
The planned production volume of first programmes amounts to around five productions per year. The average price per minute for 90-minute productions is 27,700 euros gross.

Thriller at 21:45
ARD offers special thrills with its "Krimi um 21:45" programme. Selected national and international crime series and multi-part series are broadcast here, primarily on Sundays and public holidays. Whether in Scandinavia, on the French Atlantic coast or far away Down Under, the programme features unusual cases, distinctive milieus and charismatic investigators. Familiar with the depths of human existence, they bring the crimes and their backgrounds to light in their own very specific way. The programmes feature top-class international casts whose roles are often based on award-winning bestsellers.
According to ARD, the planned volume of first-run crime programmes amounts to 14 titles per year. The average gross expenditure for 90-minute co-productions and licences is EUR 550,000 to 600,000 per film, and EUR 275,000 to 300,000 gross for 45-minute series formats.

Summer cinema on the first channel
According to ARD, "SommerKino" is the most popular slot for cinema films on ARD: top-class German and international star films are presented as television premieres on Mondays during prime time. The programme in the summer months ranges from popular comedies and romances to award-winning dramas and historical films. Films are shown for the whole family, with cross-generational appeal.
Up to eight films per year are planned for the "SommerKino", which will be co-produced or acquired as licences on the international market.
Due to different contract forms, film lengths, equipment requirements, casting and other production-related factors, no price per minute can be given as a generally valid average price.

Fairy tale "6 at one stroke"
The ARD fairy tale series "Sechs auf einen Streich" has been an integral part of the Christmas programme on ARD since 2008. In addition, the 60-minute fairy tale films are broadcast throughout the year in the holiday programme and are a popular Sunday ritual for many viewers. The films are an important part of the ARD portfolio, both in the linear programmes and in the ARD media library.
The fairytale films are produced to a high standard, have a prominent cast and, according to ARD, also give shooting stars a chance to step into the limelight. Impressive images are used to showcase fairytale castles, forests, villages and towns across the whole of Germany. This opens up new perspectives for viewers and shows the diversity of the respective regions.
Over the past 15 years, 58 films have been produced in the "Sechs auf einen Streich" series. Two premiere programmes are broadcast for the Christmas holiday slots. The average price per minute is 22,000 euros.

Source: ARD, further information is available here.