The Central German Broadcasting (MDR) and the Central German media funding (MDM) are announcing a new funding programme that will start on 1 October 2024: FOKUS is intended to enable projects that are dedicated to stories from the region in an original, high-quality way in order to promote up-and-coming filmmakers in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia as well as Central German production companies.

Total funding of up to one million euros per year is available for the realisation of suitable material, funded equally by MDR - in whose programme offerings the projects are to be used - and the MDM.

Ralf Ludwig, Director General of MDR: "The FOKUS funding programme contributes to achieving the goals set by MDR. In particular, and this is what I stand for as Director General, this includes awarding more contracts to the region. At the same time, we also want to consciously open up opportunities for young talent to showcase and develop themselves here and thus establish themselves sustainably in our broadcasting region. Of course, the specific topics, content and approaches for the programme idea are decisive for us. We look forward to receiving creative and exciting submissions."

All further information and the entire press release is available here.

Source: MDR
Picture: © MDR/ Hagen Wolf