It begins with a chance acquaintance on a train that has been stuck for hours: pub landlady Sandra (Katharina Wackernagel) meets travelling salesman Otis (Rick Okon). The two initially clash as they learn more about each other from overheard phone calls than they would like. But they get talking, discover an astonishing affinity and experience the other as a valuable love counsellor for their personal relationship problems - something they continue after the train journey by going jogging together disguised as "personal training". When Sandra's husband Christian (Aurel Manthei) meets Oti's best friend Bill (Jane Chirwa) by chance one day, the emotional chaos is perfect.

This romantic comedy is currently being made in the Hamburg area under the direction of Constanze Knoche (screenplay: Sathyan Ramesh). A broadcast date for the "Herzkino" film has not yet been set. Heike Wiehle-Timm (Relevant Film) is the producer, Berit Teschner is the ZDF editor in charge.

Source: ZDF
Contact: Christian Schäfer-Koch, 089-9955-1352,