Theo Gringel retires from day-to-day operations

Press release

Berlin, 06 February 2024

Theo Gringel


Theo Gringel, Photo: Nadja Klier

After 32 years of working for TOBIS, long-standing Managing Director and shareholder Theo Gringel will be retiring from day-to-day operations as Managing Director of TOBIS Film GmbH on 31 March 2024. He will continue to serve on the TOBIS advisory boards and as a consultant for the company. 

Theo Gringel began his career at TOBIS in March 1992, initially as Head of Accounting. In 2006, he took over the management of the company, which was founded in 1971 and has been one of the most important and successful film distributors in Germany for more than 50 years. The company can boast over 400 national and international titles and more than 250 million cinema-goers in the entire DACH region. Over the past three decades, Theo Gringel has played a key role in the expansion of the company. He managed it safely and ensured stability at all times. Gringel was responsible for finances and licences as well as the marketing and distribution of numerous successful films from a wide range of genres - including DAS FÜNFTE ELEMENT, HANNIBAL, COUCHGEFLÜSTER, P.S.. I LOVE YOU, the BAD MOMS franchise, the end-time thriller GREENLAND and the TOBIS productions THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD, CATWEAZLE and A WHOLE LIFE as well as Oscar-winning films such as BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, 12 YEARS A SLAVE and THE FATHER. 

The Berlin and Munich-based company will continue to be represented by Timm Oberwelland and Magnus Vortmeyer as Managing Directors. Oberwelland, as CEO previously responsible for development, production and acquisitions, will also take over the TV Licensing division in future, while Vortmeyer, currently Managing Director Theatrical Distribution, will also be responsible for the Home Entertainment division. TOBIS' long-standing Controller, Martin Cremer, will also take on additional responsibility in the area of finance as Head of Finance from 1 April 2024. 

Timm Oberwelland and Magnus Vortmeyer:

"Theo Gringel has played a key role in shaping TOBIS over the past 32 years and has contributed to some of the greatest successes in our company's history. He has always been the human constant and the reliable rock in the surf of the TOBIS team, which has grown steadily over the years. He has led our company with his expertise and, above all, with his steady hand, cool head and a high degree of humanity. His departure from the operational business marks the end of an era. A new one begins, and we are all the more pleased that Theo will continue to support TOBIS as an advisor and confidant. And even though he will certainly continue to support us for many years to come, we naturally grant him the extra time to pursue his interests outside of TOBIS." 

Theo Gringel:

"It has been a pleasure to work on behalf of the rooster for over three decades and to make my contribution to the company's development and management. TOBIS will continue to provide the best entertainment - in cinemas and on screens, and I look forward to continuing to support Timm Oberwelland in an advisory capacity."