Julia Grosch, Director Corporate Affairs, Studio Hamburg Production Group

Julia Grosch has joined the Studio Hamburg Production Group team as Director Corporate Affairs with immediate effect. Her responsibilities include personnel management and recruiting as well as working with young talent and film schools. Julia Grosch previously worked as an events officer and project manager for MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, where she was responsible for the EU-funded new media projects "First Motion", "Cross Motion" and "Create Converge".

"We are very much looking forward to working with Julia Grosch! Due to Julia's many years of working for MOIN Filmförderung, we have already known each other for many years and are convinced that, in addition to her professional expertise and her excellent network in the Hamburg film industry, she is also a very good fit for our company on a personal level. Welcome on board!" says Michael Lehmann, CEO of the Studio Hamburg Production Group.

"I'm also really looking forward to the new tasks at SHPG - it's wonderful to be part of this great team and to be able to continue shaping Hamburg as a film location," explains Julia Grosch.

Julia Grosch has been working in the German film industry for twenty years. After studying literature and European studies in Paris, she began her professional career in 2004 at Filmfest Hamburg, where she worked as an assistant programme planner. A year later, she moved to Filmförderung Hamburg as assistant to the management, which later became MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein. Since 2007, she has been an events officer and later also project manager for the EU-funded new media projects "First Motion", "Cross Motion" and "Create Converge".