It is with deep sadness and great respect that we bid farewell to Michael Verhoeven, an outstanding filmmaker and courageous voice in German cinema, who passed away on 25 April 2024 at the age of 86.

Born in Berlin on 13 July 1938, Michael Verhoeven shaped German cinema for decades with a unique blend of artistic courage and social commitment. His films, often controversial and politically charged, challenged audiences to engage with difficult aspects of German history and society.

Verhoeven's work covers an impressive range of topics, from the critical examination of National Socialism in "Das schreckliche Mädchen" to socially critical themes in "Die weiße Rose", which sheds light on the fate of the resistance group of the same name during the Third Reich. His films have been recognised not only in Germany but worldwide and have won numerous awards.

In addition to his career as a director, Verhoeven was also a committed producer and mentor for young filmmakers, always willing to share his experience and knowledge. His tireless commitment to the art of film and his passionate involvement in social discourse remain unforgotten.

Michael Verhoeven is survived by his wife, actress Senta Berger, to whom he was married for over 60 years, and two sons who have also gone down creative paths. His legacy will live on in his courageous films and the many lives he inspired and influenced.

We extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends at this difficult time. Michael Verhoeven's vision and tireless commitment to justice and truth will live on in the hearts of all who knew him and appreciated his work.

We bid farewell to a true pioneer of German film. His light will continue to shine in the film world.