
All posts by: Andrea Bala

The feature film "Everytime" (working title) is currently being made in Berlin, Vienna and Tenerife by the editorial team of Das kleine Fernsehspiel. Sandra Wollner wrote the book, which she is also directing. Ella......
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The fear of new technologies has accompanied the entertainment industry and film culture from the very beginning. Ultimately, colour and sound film were just as unstoppable as private television and "internet videos". The...... is experiencing a deeply unsettling disruption.
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You're always smarter afterwards. We are quick to offer explanations after the event. This applies to the Euro2024, stock market prices and cinema successes. A cause-and-effect relationship or even a risk impact assessment in advance......
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Media consumption is changing: genre films are booming in cinemas, while franchises once thought to be immortal are losing their appeal. Authentic short stories are replacing long-running series. Programme television will die out with the possibilities of AI,......
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www.plazamedia.com Since its foundation in 1976, PLAZAMEDIA GmbH, a Sport1 Medien AG company, has developed into a leading sports TV producer in the German-speaking world. Today, PLAZAMEDIA......
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A tsunami of money is flooding the creative industry. It is not the production volumes of broadcasters and streamers that are filling the order books. Neither subsidies nor licence revenue guarantees are boosting in-house productions. Capital flows in with......
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www.zakfilm.com ZAK Film is a Berlin-based production company run by Philipp Zakrzewski, Jelena Goldbach and Jannik Büddig. The focus is on feature films and serial dramas for......
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www.zischlermann.com ZISCHLERMANN FILMPRODUKTION is a company based in Berlin and Lübeck and managed by Susanne Mann and Paul Zischler. The company produces both feature films and creative documentaries,......
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www.youngfilms.de youngfilms, founded by Henning Windelband in 2003, develops and produces TV and cinema formats as well as radio plays for children and young people. Commercials for well-known clients, such as the Federal Ministry......
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www.woodwaterfilms.com Wood Water Films produces ambitious feature films and documentaries. The focus is on international co-operation, artistic diversity and social relevance. Wood Water Films produces ambitious feature films and documentaries. The......
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