
Posts filed under: Corporates

New BM&A Climate Monitor for the M&A market: Cautious optimism Munich, February 2024. The German Association of Mergers & Acquisitions (BM&A) is now regularly publishing the mood on takeover activity in Germany. In the......
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www.fortunecookiefilm.com Fortune Cookie Film was founded in 2006 by Ulrike Grote and Ilona Schultz. Both met while studying film at the University of Hamburg. Ulrike Grote, then already an established and often......
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www.flutefilm.com Flute Film was founded in 2019 by producer and entrepreneur Christopher Zwickler, who studied film production at the renowned Ludwigsburg Film Academy. His medium-length feature film "The Last Will", in which Dustin......
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www.floridatv-entertainment.de Since its foundation in 2018, Florida Entertainment GmbH has been one of the most successful independent production companies for entertainment, advertising, journalism & documentaries, podcasts and fiction in Germany. Founded in 2019, Florida......
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www.flare-film.com FLARE FILM has been producing feature films and documentaries for cinema and TV as well as high-quality TV series since 2008. The portfolio is broad and diverse. FLARE FILM does not limit itself to special......
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www.flappers.film FLAPPERS FILM & VFX is a young production and post-production company from Hamburg that sees itself as a creative think tank, but also as innovative makers - of its own ideas or in......
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www.filmvermoegen.com FilmVermoegen was founded in 2018. Since then, the company has been advising and supporting various productions and realising international animated and hybrid films. Genre: AnimationSelection of productions: "Boris", "Paolo's Happiness", "Monster Mia"......
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www.filmpool-fiction.de filmpool fiction is firmly established in the German media landscape in the field of high-quality TV movies - especially in the crime thriller segment. filmpool fiction develops and produces for all major German broadcasters......
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www.ffpnewmedia.com Filme sind ‚motion pictures‘ – ein fluides Medium, das von den Bewegungen des realen Lebens erzählt. FFP New Media GmbH, die seit über 40 Jahren Fernseh- und Kinofilme, Reihen......
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www.fandangofilm.de Fandango liebt gutes Fernsehen. Deshalb haben sie sich 1999 dazu entschieden, selbst welches zu machen. Fandango ist seitdem kreativer Formatentwickler und unabhängiger Produzent von Bewegtbildinhalten jeder Art. Ob abendfüllende......
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