
Posts filed under: Film industry

World Cinema Fund: Current funding recommendations for production and distribution / WCF Europe-TFL Audience Design Award At the 39th jury session of the Berlinale World Cinema Fund (WCF), the juries made 14 funding recommendations......
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Berlin, 22.11.2023 - The Alliance of German Producers - Film and Television, the German Documentary Film Association (AG DOK), the German Film Academy and the Producers' Association see the renewed cut in incentive funding......
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Last Thursday's 25th Film Industry Forum at the Media Days focussed on forecasts for short and medium-term developments from various perspectives. The central question was how production capacity utilisation......
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The motto these days could not be clearer. In more and more regions of the world, people are favouring deadly confrontation over other conflict resolution strategies. Viewed from the outside, the......
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Last Thursday's 25th Film Industry Forum at the Media Days focussed on forecasts for short and medium-term developments from various perspectives. The central question was how production capacity utilisation......
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Emergency call - Adequate remuneration urgently needed for the image and sound post-production service portfolio The VTFF, as an association of 65 service providers for film and television, has been campaigning for almost 75 years......
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