
Posts filed under: Film industry

The feature film "The Seeds of the Sacred Fig Tree" by Mohammad Rasoulof (Run Way Pictures) will represent Germany at the 97th Academy Awards® on 2 March 2025 in the category "Best International Feature Film"......
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According to a press release, Berlinale director Tricia Tuttle has appointed four members to the newly composed selection committee, which will select the films for the Competition and Berlinale Special as well as the Perspectives section focussing on new talents......
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Merger with Skydance and the future of the media giant In the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry, Paramount, one of Hollywood's longest-established studios, is facing a potential turning point. The latest news......
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According to the FFA's press release, almost 42 million tickets were sold and 403.5 million euros in revenue generated between January and June 2024. The top ten films of the first half of the year - including two German films......
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Major film studios are currently discussing the complex licensing of their films and TV content for the training of AI video models. Insiders report that licence negotiations with AI companies have stalled. The reasons for this are......
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According to Spot media & news, the television industry can look back on a good performance in terms of gross advertising revenue in July, with year-on-year growth of 8.3 per cent. The......
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It remains to be seen whether the renewed discussion about the federal budget will have an impact on the film industry. While the situation for service companies is not easing, there are also......
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With a deadline looming for the sale of the former heritage studio, Paramount Global reported a staggering net loss of 5.4bn $ in the second quarter of 2024, a dramatic deterioration......
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Christine Rothe has left her position as overall production manager at Constantin Film, but will remain with the company and work on selected Constantin Film projects. With immediate effect, Tim......
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Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) and Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM) are announcing a new funding programme that will start on 1 October 2024: FOKUS is intended to enable projects that focus on original, high-quality ways......
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