
Posts filed under: Film industry

For some time now, the protection organisation has been observing fake invoices sent by email for undefined services from various providers, whereby the invoices are always structured in the same way. The invoices are for "commercial [sic] rights......
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As part of the NEXT-ON-NETFLIX show, Netflix presented the upcoming series and film highlights. Netflix presented a range of exciting new films, series, documentaries and reality shows - the focus was on both......
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The State Media Authority of Baden-Württemberg has imposed a heavy fine on the mini-channel Schwarz Rot Gold TV (SRGT) for broadcasting unauthorised content from an Austrian fake TV channel in return for payment. As a consequence......
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ProSiebenSat.1's major shareholder Media For Europe (MFE) is pushing for a split-up of the media group in order to separate the core business in entertainment television from the "peripheral activities" in e-commerce and dating. This would lead to the formation......
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Just when the pressure is at its greatest, this unnecessary saying "Don't let yourself get stressed!" comes from somewhere. But as annoying as it is, it's also true. Usually easier......
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Prime Video celebrated its tenth anniversary in Berlin with a look at the programme for 2024/2025. The company announced numerous new projects, including series, documentaries and reality formats. The ten-year anniversary......
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"The Other Side", directed and written by Mariko Minoguchi, Trimafilm GmbH Trimafilm in Munich combines production expertise and remarkable creative power. They have now been able to win X Verleih for the Minoguchi action thriller. The......
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Netflix's Berlinale party: "We are experiencing stormy times" Berlin. The streaming provider is represented at the 2024 Berlinale with two titles and continues to enjoy international success. This was the party. Instead of "Netflix......
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BFI and film industry welcome landmark move with increased subsidy rate to support British film Christopher Nolan, Barbara Broccoli, Idris Elba, Tilda Swinton and over 100 industry leaders welcome increased tax credit......
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With Claude 3, Anthropic is attacking the pinnacle of AI solutions. The Claude 3 series consists of the Sonnet and Haiku models alongside Opus. These vary in size and performance, with Haiku being the......
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