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You will receive an e-mail with your access data for the internal member area within the next few minutes. The direct debit will be made by Digistore24.

Once you have this, you can log in here and get immediate access to all the information contained in your Ensider package.


Ensider packages and cables at a glance

1 month testing

Ensider:Partner Basic

Visibility, Latest industry developments

  • Home
    News section
  • Economy (film industry, start of shooting)
  • Knowledge (industry knowledge, workshops)
  • Doers (change of leadership, personalities)
  • Companies (transactions, partners & associations, corporate groups, sole proprietorships)
  • Affiliate (Special Reports)
  • Calendar


Ensider:Partner Nation

Guidelines, expertise, network for managers

  • Home
  • News section
  • Economy ( film industry, start of shooting)
  • Knowledge (industry knowledge, workshops)
  • Doers (change of leadership, personalities)
  • Companies (partners & associations, sole proprietorships)
  • Affiliate
  • Calendar

You want an upgrade, then contact us directly:

weekdays: 9:00-18:00

+49 89 23 14 123 0




Ensider:Partner Corporate

Industry developments, international network

  • Home - News - Calendar
  • Economy (film industry, start of shooting)
  • Knowledge (industry knowledge, workshops)
  • Doers (change of leadership, personalities)
  • Companies (transactions, partners & associations, corporate groups, sole proprietorships)
  • Affiliate (Special Reports)
  • Calendar


If you would like an upgrade, please contact us directly:

weekdays: 9:00-18:00

+49 89 23 14 123 0



Ensider:Partner Enterprise

Industry news, executive knowledge in the Group, visibility with top talent

  • Home - News - Calendar
  • Economy (film industry, start of shooting)
  • Knowledge (industry knowledge, workshops)
  • Doers( (change of leadership, personalities)
  • Companies (transactions, partners & associations, corporate groups, sole proprietorships)
  • Affiliate (Special Reports, ESGRC)


If you would like an upgrade, please contact us directly:

weekdays: 9:00-18:00

+49 89 23 14 123 0
