
Posts tagged with: Balance sheet

At the traditional FFA presentation "Figures - Data - Facts" on developments in the arthouse cinema market, FFA Deputy Director Martin Michaelis and Norina Lin-Hi, Head of the FFA's Market Research and Statistics Department, were able to present good......
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According to the FFA's press release, almost 42 million tickets were sold and 403.5 million euros in revenue generated between January and June 2024. The top ten films of the first half of the year - including two German films......
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According to Spot media & news, the television industry can look back on a good performance in terms of gross advertising revenue in July, with year-on-year growth of 8.3 per cent. The......
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RTL Group has published its figures for the first half of the year, reporting positive revenue figures and further growth in its streaming services. According to its own figures, total revenue increased by 1.8......
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