Voices Films was founded in Berlin in 2022 by Margarita Amineva-Jester, a graduate of the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB). Voices Films supports emerging artists on their way to creating inspiring, universally relevant and aesthetically valuable auteur films, both feature films and documentaries. Voices Films endeavours to build long-term professional relationships with partners based on mutual trust, respect, transparency, effective communication and a focus on results. The main focus of Voices Films focuses on high-quality co-productions in Germany with international voices, including filmmakers from post-Soviet countries.

Voices Films was founded by Margarita Amineva-Jester, alumna of the German Film & TV Academy Berlin (DFFB), in 2022 in Berlin. Voices Films supports emerging artists on their way to create thought-provoking, universally relevant and aesthetically valuable author-driven films, both fiction and documentaries. Voices Films aims to develop long-term professional relationships with partners based on mutual trust, respect, transparency, effective communication and drive for results. The main focus of Voices Films lies on high-quality co-productions in Germany with international voices, including filmmakers from post-Soviet countries.

Company data

Voices Films UG
Oranienstrasse 189
10999 Berlin
+49 (0) 176 - 634 955 65

Legal form: UG (limited liability)