
All posts by: axdesigns

Producer - Tobis Film After completing his acting studies at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and his first roles in film and television, Timm Oberwelland founded Zeal Pictures in 1994 with......
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Director Local Productions & Acquisitions GSA - Paramount Pictures...
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Lawyer - Schaefer Rechtsberatung After completing his doctorate on a copyright topic at the LMU Munich and briefly working as a lawyer, he joined the Bavarian Ministry of Culture as a legal advisor in 1981. 1984 Secondment to the Bavarian......
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ndF International Production GmbH Eric Welbers was born in Cologne, Germany, in 1968. After studying business administration and economics at the University of Cologne, he obtained an MBA degree from ...... in 1996.
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Executive Vice President (EVP) & General Manager - Warner Bros. Discovery Germany, Switzerland and Austria (GSA) As EVP and General Manager of Warner Bros. Discovery, Hannes Heyelmann heads the markets......
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Partner, expert in entertainment and games financing With a master's degree in law, sociology and political science and a Munich Film Academy diploma, Bernie Salinas Films was founded in 1980 and has produced over 30 national and......
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The motto these days could not be clearer. In more and more regions of the world, people are favouring deadly confrontation over other conflict resolution strategies. Viewed from the outside, the......
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Last Thursday's 25th Film Industry Forum at the Media Days focussed on forecasts for short and medium-term developments from various perspectives. The central question was how production capacity utilisation......
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Emergency call - Adequate remuneration urgently needed for the image and sound post-production service portfolio The VTFF, as an association of 65 service providers for film and television, has been campaigning for almost 75 years......
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ProSiebenSat.1 ordnet Vorstand neu – Wolfgang Link verlässt das Unternehmen Unterföhring, 12. Juni 2023. Wolfgang Link, bisheriger Vorstand Entertainment und CEO der Seven.One Entertainment Group, hat sich nach 14 Jahren......
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