Film productions abroad offer unique creative opportunities: New landscapes, cultural influences and special stories that can only be told on location make filming abroad a special experience.......
Together with the FFF Filmcommission Bayern (FilmFernsehFonds Bayern), the Bundesverband Herstellungs- und Produktionsleitung, the Produzentinnenverband and our solution partners, we invited Prof. Dr Josef Scherer from the TH Deggendorf to......
Process-orientated vs. project-orientated corporate structures Many people associate compliance with unrealistic, de facto unenforceable rules and regulations of large companies due to their personal experience. The idea of compliance is actually based on a liability release strategy for managers.......
Liability, release from liability and duty of legality Management and the Management Board are responsible for compliance with laws and guidelines (duty of legality). This also includes the organisation of corresponding structures within the company, so-called compliance, compliance management......
What does CSR.D, ESG and non-financial reporting obligations mean? In the EU's new sustainability reporting obligations set out in the "Corporate Social Responsibility Directive" (CSR.D for short), companies are required to report according to a fixed scheme......