
All posts by: Andrea Bala

www.woodwaterfilms.com Wood Water Films produces ambitious feature films and documentaries. The focus is on international co-operation, artistic diversity and social relevance. Wood Water Films produces ambitious feature films and documentaries. The......
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www.weydemannbros.com Weydemann Bros. produces films and series for the German and international market. They are guided by the vision of an equally political and entertaining film narrative. For Weydemann Bros. film is ......
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www.watchmen.de Watchmen is a film production company based in Berlin, Germany. They produce feature films and documentaries for cinema and TV, as well as commercials and social media campaigns, and offer production services in......
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www.w2-film.de The film production company was founded in Munich in 2008 by Tobias Walker and Philipp Worm...... on the basis of many years of collaboration during their joint studies at the University of Television and Film Munich.
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www.voicesfilms.com Voices Films was founded in Berlin in 2022 by Margarita Amineva-Jester, a graduate of the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB). Voices Films supports up-and-coming artists on their......
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www.unafilm.de unafilm produces films and series. Uncompromising and artistically sophisticated. Fictional and documentary. Nationally and internationally. unafilm is based in Cologne and Berlin. After many years as executive producer......
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www.twomoonspictures.com TwoMoons Pictures is a film production company for TV series, cinema and audio books. The company was founded by Aysel Yilmaz and Ayla Gottschlich. TwoMoons Pictures is passionately committed to diversity, not......
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www.trimafilm.de Trimafilm aims to create films that challenge and entertain audiences at the same time. It works closely with directors and authors to develop a shared vision. In addition to the......
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www.tradewind-pictures.de TRADEWIND PICTURES is a film production company based in Cologne and Erfurt and was founded in 1998 by Thomas Springer and Helmut G. Weber. The focus is on the production......
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www.tivolifilm.tv Tivoli Film was founded in 2007 by the experienced partners Thomas Hroch and Gerald Podgornig. Since then, an impressive portfolio has developed. Tivoli Film stands for a long tradition......
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